10. Marta 2019.

Kraljica počela da koristi Instagram, objavila prvu fotografiju

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Fotografija koju je kraljica Elizabeta II postavila na zvanični profil kraljevske porodice na Instagramu prikazuje pismo iz 19. veka koje je pronalazač i matematičar Čarls Bebidž uputio kraljici Viktoriji i princu Albertu.

Kraljica je uz fotografiju napisala: “U pismu, Bebidž je obavestio kraljicu Viktoriju i princa Alberta o svom pronalasku, analitičkoj mašini, na kojoj je prve kompjuterske programe kreirala Ejda Lavlejs, kćerka lorda Bajrona”.


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Today, as I visit the Science Museum I was interested to discover a letter from the Royal Archives, written in 1843 to my great-great-grandfather Prince Albert.  Charles Babbage, credited as the world’s first computer pioneer, designed the “Difference Engine”, of which Prince Albert had the opportunity to see a prototype in July 1843.  In the letter, Babbage told Queen Victoria and Prince Albert about his invention the “Analytical Engine” upon which the first computer programmes were created by Ada Lovelace, a daughter of Lord Byron.  Today, I had the pleasure of learning about children’s computer coding initiatives and it seems fitting to me that I publish this Instagram post, at the Science Museum which has long championed technology, innovation and inspired the next generation of inventors. Elizabeth R. PHOTOS: Supplied by the Royal Archives © Royal Collection Trust / Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2019

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Kraljica se na kraju potpisala sa “Elizabeta R.”, odnosno Elizabeta kraljica.

Zvanični Instagram profil kraljevske porodice postoji od 2013. godine i ima 4,6 miliona pratilaca, navodi agencija.

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