Kako navodi portparol vojske Jermenije Sušan Stepanjan neprijatelj koristi veliki broj bespilotnih letelica i artiljerijskih sistema.
Ona je navela da je Azerbejdžan tako prekršio novo primirje sklopljeno sinoć.
Kako navode jermenski izvori, ima i žrtava i ranjenih na obe strane.
The DA units have destroyed 4 enemy assaulting tanks in the southern direction. In the southern flank of the #Artsakh–#Azerbaijani conflict zone the enemy is employing a large number of UAVs and artillery systems.
— Shushan Stepanyan (@ShStepanyan) October 18, 2020
The Azerbaijani AF have once again grossly violated the new HUM ceasefire. At 07: 20 after an active artillery fire, the enemy launched an attack in the S. direction (Khudaferin Reservoir) in order to occupy favorable positions. There are casualties and wounded on both sides.
— Shushan Stepanyan (@ShStepanyan) October 18, 2020