Posle 1.085 utakmica u istoriju je otišao stadion Bugarske armije, dom fudbalera CSKA iz Sofije.IZVOR: B92

CSKA se od svog kultnog stadiona oprostio dramatičnim porazom od Ludogoreca 1:0, golom gostiju u 107 minutu!
Utakmica je dva puta prekidana na više od 15 minuta zbog bakljade navijača CSKA, dok je kraj meča obeležila masovna tuča dve strane zbog kontroverznog gola.
Stadion “Bugarske armije” je izgrađen 1965. godine, a kapacitet mu je bio 22.995 mesta.
Renoviran je pet puta, poslednji put 2016, ali će sada na njegovom mestu biti izgrađen nov, moderan stadion četvrte kategorije UEFA sa 16.000 sedišta.
За да светиш отново! pic.twitter.com/sqzo8GiQQf
— ЦСКА (@CSKA_Sofia) December 10, 2023
Сбогом, Българска армия! Благодарим ти за спомените ❤️ pic.twitter.com/c70rb9alJK
— ЦСКА (@CSKA_Sofia) December 10, 2023
CSKA je na svom stadionu ostvario 874 pobede, 140 remija i 71 poraz uz gol razliku 2.999:720.
Poslednji meč obeležila je sjajna koreografija navijača i mnogo emocija na tribinama, a suzu je pustio i legendarni Hristo Stoičkov.
Stoičkov je za CSKA igrao šest godina pre nego što je prešao u Barselonu 1990, a potom i jednu sezonu po povratku iz Katalonije.
What a drama in the last-ever match at the Bulgarian Army stadium! CSKA lost 1-0 to Ludogorets after the champions scored in the 107th (!!!) min! The match was twice stopped for a total of 15+ mins due to pyro and lots of smoke from the stands. The goal provoked a mass brawl… pic.twitter.com/7eVVe3sEJe
— Metodi_Shumanov (@shumanskoo) December 10, 2023
Ludogorets spoiled CSKA-Sofia's farewell party in their last-ever match at the Bulgarian Army stadium beating them 1-0 with a goal in the 107th minute. To make it worse, it was scored by ex-CSKA player Spas Delev and all hell broke loose after that, culminating in this cannonade pic.twitter.com/slYPpwqExs
— Metodi_Shumanov (@shumanskoo) December 10, 2023
The great Hristo Stoichkov couldn’t hold his tears as his CSKA are playing their last-ever game at the Bulgarian Army stadium that witnessed so many legendary moments of HS8 throughout the years pic.twitter.com/OBXORtM6VT
— Metodi_Shumanov (@shumanskoo) December 10, 2023
CSKA-Sofia’s great tifo for their last-ever match at the Bulgarian Army stadium – ‘From generation to generation’ pic.twitter.com/XSscdzKkne
— Metodi_Shumanov (@shumanskoo) December 10, 2023
The new CSKA stadium is supposed to be ready by 2025. It will have 16,000 seats and it will cost around €45m pic.twitter.com/aKZhbVxpkl
— Metodi_Shumanov (@shumanskoo) December 10, 2023