Adel se rasplakala usred koncerta: Obratila se publici sa bine
Rebeka Fajnglos (33) nedavno se razvela i proslavila taj događaj tako što je s prijateljicama otišla u Las Vegas, a celu je priču podelila na svom TikTok profilu. Na Adelinom koncertu držala je papir na kom je pisalo: “Pomogla si mi da prođem kroz razvod”, a pevačici je objasnila da upravo slavi razvod.
I threw myself a newly UNwed party in Vegas with my closest friends— and we made Adele cry… Really though: Divorce is a long, emotional, and stressful process. We talk about the trauma of toxic relationships, but we don't get real about divorce. It can be traumatic, too. Mine certainly was. And I’m so glad it’s over. This past weekend, my 14 best girlfriends and I went to Las Vegas not only to celebrate my divorce, but I wanted to celebrate THEM for standing by my side during one of the most difficult times of my life. So. No more “failed marriage” talk. No more divorce shame. Let's CELEBRATE leaving relationships that aren’t good for you. And, let’s remember Adele's advice: “Keep your friends close to you, because they're better than any man…” #divorce#divorcetok#grief#griefjourney#adele